The dryer lint filter is always cleaned between drying cycles, but what about the dryer vent? Lint accumulation can result in a potential fire hazard and lint is highly combustible.
According to the United States Fire Administration (USFA), an estimated 2,900 clothes dryer fires are reported to fire departments each year. Failure to clean was the largest contributing factor to clothes dryer fires. Additionally, newer constructed homes have placed dryers in interior rooms, away from exterior walls. The results are longer dryer vent runs and more areas for lint to accumulate. Accumulation leads to reduced air flow and a potential fire hazard.
Have you had your dryer vent cleaned in the past year? Does your dryer take more than one cycle to dry clothes? Have you noticed that your dryer is warmer to the touch than before? Have you noticed any animal smells or sounds from you dryer vents? It may be time to have your dryer vent cleaned. Dryer vents should be cleaned at least once a year by a trained technician to prevent excessive buildup of lint and ensure your dryer vent has adequate air flow.
Powell Environmental provides a Certified Dryer Exhaust Technician (CDET) to inspect and clean your dryer vent. We conduct a thorough inspection of the dryer, exhaust vent, and termination cap. Following the inspection, our technician will conduct a thorough cleaning of your dryer vent and dryer exhaust vent.
Please contact us today to schedule your dryer vent cleaning.